[YAKSHA] - Complete look of the mural. Probably this is one of the few murals I have done that has no animal related elements. Looking into the history of “Yaksha” and how different cultures around South East Asia interpret the deity turned out to be a bit overwhelming. Yet I was fascinated by the fact that the idea of Buddhism Yakshas were once human turned ogres to repent for their sins, and how karma plays in the traditional belief of good and evil. ⁣

The mural is my own interpretation of “Yaksha” after a series of study of Thai architecture, traditional paintings and most important of all, sculptures inside the temples. Avoiding the “Yaksha” from looking super flat like traditional Thai painting, while it has to harmoniously work with my visual language. The mural aims to standalone from other Thai related murals and provides a fresh interpretation of the subject while preserving my aesthetics. ⁣

The most challenging part was to redesign the decorative details of its helmet, since its intricate details and complicated structures, and later was done entirely free handed without a preliminary sketch (challenge is fun). ⁣

The mural measured to be 5276mm x 2500mm, completed over the course of 5 days. Done with @molotow_hk alcohol based ink with marker.⁣


